Deciding when to sell a stock can be a complex decision that depends on various factors, such as your investment goals, risk tolerance, market conditions, and the company's financial health. Here are some common scenarios when you might consider selling a stock: The stock has reached your target price: If you have set a specific price target for a stock and it has reached that level, it may be a good time to sell and lock in your gains. The company's financials have deteriorated: If the company's financials have significantly worsened, such as a decline in revenue, earnings, or cash flow, it may be a signal to sell the stock before further losses. Your investment goals or risk tolerance have changed: If your investment goals or risk tolerance have changed since you purchased the stock, it may be a good idea to reassess your portfolio and sell the stock if it no longer aligns with your goals or risk tolerance. You need the money for other purposes: If you need the money for ...
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